decentred | distributed improvisation



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decentred | distributed improvisation
programmed by n0media

15 March to 17 April 2004

live webcast
Last Updated 21.4.04


Community | Anne Wellmer

Anne Wellmer is a sound artist, born to be angry in Germany in 1966, raised to be wild in America 1970-1973 and educated to be noisy in the Netherlands 1992-1997. Among her work are performances and installations, music theater pieces and choreographies. She performs as an improvising musician, as a composer and as a singer on various electronic instruments, such as the VCS3 EMS Synthi, the ARP 2600, the STEIM crackle box and the G3 powerbook. She currently lives in MiddletownCT (USA) and in The Hague (NL).

For decentred Anne will be performing remotely from Wesleyen University, USA processing a live recording of the Braxton Ensemble in collaboration with Nick Melia & n0media who will be based in Norwich, UK.

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